Monday, October 11, 2010

Thinking the worst of a good situation (Poison in the Afternoon)

This is the time of the day when the sun burns at its brightest. The beautiful UV shines through the crystal I have on my window, and it does make me squint a little.

Lets talk about the positives of today, despite feeling anxious and annoyed by small things, like my bad handwriting on the forms I needed to send back, and the administrative complicatedness of asking for medical records:

  1. Signed in, recieved positive feedback from my advisor, she says I can still claim until I start working, that's good
  2. Applied to two jobs
  3. See above
  4. Job search activities
  5. I made an enquiry to the GP
  6. I filled out the medical form, terms of agreement, and bank details form for my new 'job'. Then I sent it off.

There's one thing I've not heard back from yet, and that's the counselling appointment from last week. Are they going to book me in? The guy said that the decision would be made today, maybe I'll hear from them tomorrow.

I think I owe myself a jog tomorrow. I've eaten a bit too casually these past couple of days, snacking has ensued quite a bit as well. I think I'll laxify myself.

In other news, I suspect that my Nephew has chickenpox ( :( ) and my parents have told almost everyone and their mother that I've got a 'new job'. My uncle and Aunt who visited yesterday were very relieved. They know how much unemployment sucks, and many people in my family know how much it the job situation sucks in the country right now.

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