Monday, July 31, 2023

 ABC Please 31/07/2023

A - Accumulate positive experiences: I strived to keep to my cycling goals even in that one week where it was difficult. I did a best man speech for my best friend's wedding and we performed barbershop and I did a kazoo solo and it was very family friendly and wholesome. I think I'm overperforming on positive experiences but I am really tired since the wedding. Oh yeah I went on a date with Tanner too

B - Build mastery in activities: Does cycling count?

C- Cope ahead. I'm working on this, I think I could do a lot better but its a constant work in progress

P - Physical illness prevention. Except for eating like 5000kcal over this weekend, yeah I'm keeping active

L: Low vulnerability to diseases. I dont' know how to answer that. My dad's going to radiotherapy next month. I don't really think about my health atm

E: Exercise regularly. I think I did 4 days last week. If I can cycle home from work (in the rain) and do an hour in the indoor bike that will be perfect. An hour on a normal bike is also acceptable

S: Sleep healthy: Except for a couple of nights I have been mostly well on this front

E: Eat healthy : see above

Saturday, July 29, 2023


3 things I'm positive about today:

  • I did classes and indoor bike today. It's a sign I'm trying to get back to routine after a disturbing few weeks
  • I am catching up (to varying degree of success) to my usual admin
  • I am fighting to keep organised and making my best effort to keep organised

 Positive memories of 2006

York Cafe in clifton

Wilkins my friend the PhD student

Memories with Ant - who I did the wedding speech for last week

Living with Owen

The Arches Montpelier

MSN Messenger was a lifeline to friends

Friday, July 14, 2023

 ABC PLease 14/07/2023

A: Accumulate positive experiences: I worked quite hard in the past week to reverse my weight gain

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I did more indoor bike

C: Cope ahead: I think I'm doing better at this but I do have a lot to do

P: Physical illness (prevention) - i've had a bad panic episode I think this isn't a good one for me this week

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: ibid

E: Exercise regularly: In spite of bad mental health I have really pushed well on the bike

A: Avoid mood altering drugs : wankohol and takeaway are my druges

S: Sleep healthy: I think sleep has been good exccept last night

E: Eat healthy: It's improved I think

Thursday, July 13, 2023

 Financial goals achilleus schema:

58k by May 25 2023 (26/02/2023 goals - lowball estimates)

59k by May 26 2023 (26/03/2023 goal revised)

59k by May 26 2023 (26/03/2023 goal revised)

59k by June 25 2023 (26/02/2023 goals - lowball estimates)

60k by June 26 2023 (26/03/2023 goal revised)

60k by July 25 2023 (26/02/2023 goals - lowball estimates)

61k by July 26 2023 (26/03/2023 goal revised)

at 13 July all of these goals achieved or (by 26 july likely achieved)

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

 things I have done today: Tuesday 11 july

I'm really not feeling so well with my energy levels and anxiety so I think it's important to list what i've done:

Today I wrote a draft of my best man's speech for A's wedding later this month

Today I changed the bedsheets. I've put that off a bit too much

Today I booked a bike service. Again something I've put off. Service is on Saturday which means I won't have time to do a morning gym session I think. I really need the bike service done anyway. The bike is in good nick but I've done a lot of miles on it. Important to see if I need to change my tyres or brakes or anything like that.

I think I might close up shop in the home office today and go out to do some other things. I'll aim for 2 hours cardio, do a body attack class and on the way home stop at aldi for some professor peppy

Monday, July 10, 2023

 July 10 2023

Financial goals achieved:

60k (set May 2023)

56k by end of April (Achieved and exceeded 59k 23/04/2023)

57k by end of May

58k by end of June

59k by end of July

60k by end of August (achieved)

60k by end of August (i'm 61k in July 10, so achieved)

I'm tallying assets. I'm catching up with lots of other stuff on my birthday. Basically just doing life admin today. I spent all of my weekend catching up on stuff. I'm working on encyclopedie and catch up. I hope to finish some logging as well

Friday, July 7, 2023

ABC Please

 A: Accumulate positive experiences: I did a speech at an ERG event that got a big applause

B: Build Mastery in activities that make you feel confident and not helpless: I cleaned my bike and lubed up the parts today

C: Cope ahead: I'm working on this but it is a bit of a struggle for me. I'm having some difficult days so I'm planning ahead on being slower than usual for the next 20 days

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: I am sleeping more to help

E: Exercise regularly: I cycled 30 miles but I didn't get much done in terms of gym, my bodyfat has done up 

S: Sleep healthy: I think I've dealth with this okay

E: Eat healthy: I had fish and chips tonight. Overeating but not as much sugary stuff

Sunday, July 2, 2023

ABC Please 02/07/2023

A: Accumulate positive experiences - I cycled 70 miles

B: Build masty in activities that make you feel confident - I have been working towards my recovery since Thursday

C: Cope ahead: I'm working on coping with the next two weeks

P: Physical illness prevention : In spite of the increasing levels I'm doing classes and cycling

E: Exercise regularly - check

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: I had a bad mental episode this week, it can't be helped. I need to be slower for a while

A: Avoid mood altering drugs: Aspartame in Diet cola is bad for you. I need to reduce my Aspartame

S: Sleep healthy: I think I'm doing better at this

E: Eat healthy: I'm not