Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Observations on Job Hunting

  1. Diversity forms: something sounds malicious about them. Sometimes they ask about personal things (like sexuality) and they don't give you an option not to answer, or to say 'prefer not to say'. For an applicative process that claims not to discriminate; forcing you to say what your religious background is, is a bit inquisition-like. Especially those online forms
  2. Covering Letters are tricky, and take ages. They suck
  3. I'm being a bit picky with jobs, or sometimes they are being a bit picky about me. I'd rather not apply to a vacancy which I'm not really suited for, it saves time. So why do I schedule applications for bizarre jobs which require you to be conservative and agree with city academies, or hardline policies on immigration and the denigration of asylum seekers? No thanks
  4. I've become tired of telling the same stories. I've almost become subconscious in explaining my role with the ADC. After some reflection, I think that I well-spent some of my years at university, even if I was a little bit strait laced (except for that story about the vacuum cleaner that people attribute to me).

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