Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soreness in muscles I didn't know I had (King Diamond in the morning)

Good morning.

Last night, I may have binged. In recent days this week I have partarken in the activity of binging and comfort eating. I guess it is my way of coping with the interviews. I went training today, and yesterday. I had to cut today's session short. I felt quite low energy today and my muscles are quite sore. I think that today needs to be a reccovery day. I virtually did nothing yesterday, except recovery and comfort eating; so today has to be semi recovery, normal schedule day.

Last night I wrote an article for a blog that often asks for submissions, I was writing about my 'gameplan' problem. Well, I'll determine in a few days if I'm in the thinktank.

For some reason, the place right under my arms are hurting. Yesterday it was the bottom side of my biceps (so called bingo wings) and about 5am I needed to have a wee, because I kept having urination dreams, which is never a good sign when you are in bed. Anyway, while I was having a wee, my triceps were killing me. For some reason, after my workout yesterday, my body is aching in some kind of orderly fashion; one part at a time aches, but not all at once. I suppose I can thank my body for that.

I could feel my sore sides while jogging today, flabbing about all sore and soft; and I ran out of steam quite early, not to mention the fact that there were loads of people in the green gym that were putting me off my workout.

I'm getting lots of bad memories again. Things from the past, recalled to my consciousness that upset me. This morning I was having a mia moment. Mia told me to get out of bed and go jogging. If it weren't for that insense feeling that mia gives me, the intense comforting assurance of care; I would have stayed in bed. I think it was good that I went out to jog this morning, even if my routine was limited. After all I do need time to recover.

How is it that I may excercise more and yet gain more weight? Food. The problem is food. I am working on the excercise issue to some extent, but its food that really bothers me. Today I have scheduled tasks, I suppose I may attend to them. Sometimes I feel like my life is going nowhere, and the only truth I can find is when I put the two fingers down my throat. Mia is the comforting answer to a bleak world. Ouch, I had a contraction in my thighs. I think my body's pain process is shifting to my upper legs.

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