Friday, September 17, 2010

Putting myself out there...(Podcasts in the afternoon)

Good afternoon.

My arms feel this refreshing mixture of oxygenation and fatigue. I did a few more of those 'half-'pullups today, it really takes the wind out of my sails. My workout was moderate today, a slow jog (a really slow jog I must add) around the common, my overall pace was really quite bad. I think it was a combination of having nothing really to eat, dehydration, and only eating a sausage immediately before my jog. On the plus side, I did actually go out for a jog, and put myself out there.

Upon getting home, I found that the house was empty. I enjoyed this time by having a pot noodle and watching yesterday's 'mock the week'. I then leisurely went to get a showe, change clothes and apply my medicinal shampoo. Now here I am, thinking about half-thoughts and half-ideas. I sent a message to hippy girl, as she hasn't replied to my text. Which is a little suspitious considering that tomorrow is the date. Maybe she's got cold feet. That's okay, but I just hope that I'm not stood up. Damn.

I had an interview yesterday, which came as a surprise. Another interview is coming next week, and I've not heard back from the think-tank I was interviewed with last week. Damn. In some ways I feel that this week, and these weeks have been slightly unique, in that I've established a good equilibrium of action, and face-to-faces. I've also got my eye on social occaisions, and, despite being naughty with my gluttony, I'm still keeping a slightly consistent routine of jogging/training. I shall venture to jog tomorrow. Let's hope that I'll do better than today, which won't be too hard to beat.

I've got a full day of things to do today; and I'm trying to confirm on my date tomorrow. It would be quite a pickle if she didn't come. But that's life...

I'm considering that there are a few interesting shows available in soho. I've also got a ticket for a BBC recording. I get them all the time but now I'm really inclined towards watching a few of them. My head feels like it's in a blender right now, and I'm a little disoriented. I see that there are a lot of tasks to do, and I can't even distinguish between them. I think that I'll just have to do them singularly until they are less and less. I wish I had more support in my life. When I blog I feel like there is support. When I purge I feel there is support. That's what I miss the most about a relationship; having support. I'm feeling a bit lonely, and mia is never too far in those instances.

I better go. Wish me luck.

(written 4 hours ago, but forgot to post it)

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