Tuesday, September 21, 2010

having a game plan

As I apply to loads of jobs, from the perspective of having no jobs or experience; anything is a plus. Today, the news comes in a bit more of a flow. I went to the interview today, and I had a really good impression from the interviewers. The interviewers, even when I paused and I hesitated to answer; quite liked my background record. They liked my admin experience, they were impressed at what I could do with spreadsheets, one of them was asking about my MA dissertation (which was entirely not relevant to cancer - unfortunately) and they seemed nice.

Summary: they seemed nice, it seemed a nice place to work and perhaps most importantly; they've let me know what the terms of the game are. I will be paid £10 a day for expenses, namely, lunch and travel. That's not too bad in a sense. Its also not ideal. Its something that can supplement my JSA, but I'm also under a lot of pressure to find paid work due to that 'three month' warning from my job centre advisor. It's not ideal but life's not ideal. They will let me know on Friday. Who knows, maybe I won't get it. They were really nice and they seemed to like me. I think it must have been the tie. There was something that was exceptionally weird at the end of the interview; as I got my jacket, the lady said: sometimes we hope people forget their jackets and we sell them and keep the proceeds for the charity. Given that it's a cancer charity I daren't hope that some of those missing jackets belong to expiered people. Suddenly life gets real and depressing. It's a job around the reality of death. For a person who likes black metal, it seems somewhat challenging and yet romantic. I'll know by friday, the same day as the other interview I have.

Who knows, maybe cancer will be cured soon...

My post is tinged with the knowledge that once I got home, I found in my inbox (in my spam box wouldn't you believe...) that the telephone interview for the casual events assistant role is going to lead to a second stage assessement. This means I'll have a second stage of an interview (this is a first for me). This will be in two weeks from now. So, having a casual labour job would mean a supplemented income of real money instead of JSA monopoly money. It also means I'll have a 'real job'. It pays more than the charity, but the charity has a more important import in terms of responsibilities and may lead to a proper paying job (which was advertised).

There's an interview on friday. That will not likely lead to a full job, but its possible. In addition; it is compatible with having the casual labour job. So, there are two optimal options.

1. Casual events job + thinktank interning 3 days a week
2. Interning as an administrator with hope of full time office manager job

Less optimal options:

3. Casual events job only (continued job seeking)
4. thinktank interning only
4'. Interning as an administrator wtihout job at the end of it
5. Interning (either thinktank or charity) without job at the end of it - making the time toward my JSA 'punishment' deadline much closer, and not getting closer to a job at the end of it
6. Rejection from thinktank, charity admin AND casual job. A back to step one.

All of them are non optimal options, some a more desirable than others, but I may need to attempt strategic thinking in order to achieve the best option.

I'm glad I ordered my options like this. Its always important to evaluate modalities before entering into a situation. That's how I consdiered the date.

Oh, while I'm on the subject of dates; I've not heard back from both girls; even after texting hippy girl. That means that my slate is clear. No next date baggage, so I can ask out another girl. Would you believe that I'm actually feeling quite positive about that? Now I'm free to ask out another girl. I'm really quite unsure as to how to ask out girls, but i did it at least about three times these past few weeks. Not just that, I've had three interviews in as many weeks (plus one more later this week) and I'm trying to navigate through an optimal solution.

In other news I finished an academic paper on the tube, and am in process of reading another on empirical psychology. I'm on a roll. I need now to catch up on my schedule. Tomorrow I'm going to jog, and then push the bar of my schedule. Later tonight I'm going to soho, to see Isy Suttie. I love her as dobby in peep show. Dobby is my ultimate woman. She's absolutely perfect, geeky, confident with that cute sense of insecurity, she's also protective of when mark is bullied and she did that little frotting thing in the storage cupboard. I want a dobby. If I had a dobby I'd be happy. Better still, if I had a PhD i'd be happy.

Here's to hoping...
here's to the game plan

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