Friday, November 19, 2010

Scheduling next month

I've got my hours for next month. The corporation is only open for two weeks, so it's a limited amount of work, even still, it's a limited amount.

So calculations are, 4 days of work over the first two weeks of December. Hours calculate to:

6 + 4.75 + 4 + 5 = 19.75

Wages calculate to:

19.75 x 7 = £138.25 (not including deductions)

Not bad for two weeks work, not great, but it beats JSA by any stretch. I just wish, however, that I was earning a *little* bit more, but beggars cannot be choosers can they? At least last night someone called me 'old boy' and 'old chap' following a 'jolly good work'. You don't know posh until you meet aristocrats. One of them looked like the monopoly man, I swear his sideburns looked like a thin plastic card, were they prosthetic? I can only speculate.

It looks unlikely that I'll be visiting my ex next month. Since she's met someone, I guess she's moved on. I should only do the same. Yesterday I was thinking things, things almost amounting to letting go. One day I'll let go of her. I just need to get on with my life. Besides, I've got lots to keep me busy for now. Especially now. I better get back to scheduling my coming month.

Ugh, that money isn't even enough to buy an Xbox with the latest games, or an extra pad. Fuckedy. At least I'm working, that's perhaps the one comfort. I just hope I get paid soon...I am expecting it to come soon....

That's the thing about expectation. It's one thing to expect, it's another for it to happen. Okay, so what do I have to do now? I guess I should tidy my room and shower...then other stuff. Ugh. I feel low motivation. I may be working now, but I still need to concentrate on the bases. Hygiene, tidy room, schedule etc. This should be positive...It just seems meticulous and ritualised. Maybe that's my way of improving.

Interview next week, let's aim high!

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