Friday, July 19, 2013

Thinking about my memories of school. Not everything was rosy...

  • One of my friends was 'coerced' into converting to catholicism in order to get into the school
  • Another of my friends got a lot of stick because his parents were poor and he had a bit of support like free meals and stuff
  • Lots of my friends got bullied
  • I got bullied a bit. The psychologist today was asking me if I was bullied. I didn't tell her the whole truth. I told her vaguely that I dont remember, I remember little things and being around friends whho were bullied more...but the truth is there was a guy who would racially harass me. I didn't like it. In fact its one of those memories I try to repress. I saw the guy once at a wetherspoons and I just felt like I had to leave the pub, I didnt want to do anything but go home. I dont want anythign to do with him or any chance of bumping into him.
  • I didnt have many friends until sixth form. I don't talk about that period of time very much
  • Until sixth form I was a coasting pupil

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