Monday, July 29, 2013


Dear Diary,


So something happened today. I'm kinda shook up about it. So I go in to the CBT session. Finally its begun, finally no more setbacks. Then the doctor says: we think we should diagnose you for Aspergers syndrome.


Just so many thoughts came to my head. The first one was: will this delay my CBT? I kinda need help with it now. The other was - oh great, another definition to identify with...dyspraxia, minority, not-exactly-hetero, anxiety with a history of severe depression and aspergers...fuck me.

I'm kinda trying to process this shit.

Oh and I've not told anyone except Antonia. And you...fuck...I need to talk to my friends with psychology backgrounds. I feel scared.


I'm also thinking about how all the people I like are suspected autism diagnosis: Glenn Gould, Mozart, Kant...fuck

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