Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dear Diary,

The helpful lady who was not so helpful yesterday, from the Sentinel, has informed me that payroll put in an 8 instead of a 9 in my account number and or sort code, which meant I didn't get paid. I'll get the money hopefully by thursday, so I'm told.

So that's a bit of a relief. That's the payback of having to be a pester and follow things up. That's the rule of things today in life, you have to assume incompetence as a default. I'm doing some tasks that I've meant to go for ages. Today is my desk day. Since there's no work that I'm told about at least until september (Sentinel would tlel me at short notice if I'm working), there's lots of things to do in the meantime.

In other news I might have a tutoring job. I asked for a lot more money as I'm reading through a dissertation on healthcare. I need to push through the rest of my tasks for today.

I am feeling less stupoured than before. But still stupoured.

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