Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 24 review

 A review of the most previous week against my 2013 new years resolution targets

Gym sessions: 6 (exceeded target)

Job applications: 0 (target failed - but I am supposed to be starting a new job)

Reading target: advanced on book review (ongoing)

Music target: jam session and practicing - could be better

Fatigue day monitoring - two days of fatigue recorded

Target: do something unfmailiar 4 Days of unfamiliar situations: Tuesday - went to see show at west end; Wednesday - funeral at Ruislip; Friday - Gig at camden, spontaneous pub and drinking plan afterwards; Sunday - jamming session



This has been a testing week, I did a triple class at the gym, I did two classes after the funeral, I spent way too much money. I booked an ultrasound appt with the GP, I went to a gig and then spontaneous pubbage afterwards, did a jamming session at my place - this has been a tough week physically. I'm surprised I don't have more stupour days. I have felt pretty stupour high lately. I am also disappointed at not doing any green schema tasks. Next week will be less tasks that require me leaving the house except for fitness things. That means I'll have more time to focus on the basics like washing my clothes and reading or remembering to shave.

Things I should do this coming week:

  • Manscaping
  • Book review
  • More reading
  • More gym
  • Earn some money
  • Hope I'll hear from the Sentinel
  • Reply to more emails
  • Investigat PhDs

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