Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dreaming about nostalgic related shit

I had a weird dream last night. Me and my two friends who I should give a name, were at our old school (the one where I'm supposed to perform) and I was in a rehearsal space which looked more like a modern office (dreams don't make sense) and for some reason one of the guys was playing on these various saxophones that belonged to a guy who is now a professional musician. Then what happened was that he found me a clarinet that was really fancy, but it didn't have some of the regular keys, so it must have been an early 18th or 19th century configuration compared to the modern commercial clarinet. So I was playing on it and it felt really smooth, but some of the notes I couldn't remember, which is actually quiet accurate to how I would realistically play.

Then I was saying to the guys how they are playing around too much and we needed to leave. Also for some reason the piano I was playing on in that room was a steinway.

Then I woke up and found a message on my phone from that saxophonist guy. Really weird

So now I'm getting back to my tasks. I have reading catchup listed as a task. I should do some other shit too, of course. I have gotten a new addon for firefox that is a bit better than Echofon, except for the fact that I am continually being given things from my twitter feeds!


Okay, so today is a day where I have no excuse not to do stuff. Get it fucking done, man!


P.S. I need to think about what I will perfrom next month for that retirement gig.

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