Saturday, August 28, 2010

A message from the Ancestral me

The only way you can preach to someone is to practice what you preach. To embody the ideals you speak of. Not just for avoiding hypocrisy; but also to bear the moral justification and audacity to tell others what to do.

It's not easy to take this position, it can be brave or foolish, depending on how justified you really are.

Just think; the fat guy who is famous for not being obese is not really the icon for the subway chain's fitness ideal; compared to say, the fitness of an actual sportsman.

I need to keep excercising for that one reason. A fit body has the phsyiognomic, and moral justification. So the person you are being preachy to could say 'why should I listen to a fat fuck'.

I'm feeling abit on edge. Perhaps my flaws are being shewn before more. I'll tell you one thing, I dont regret jogging and training earlier. Taking it slowly and pacefully on my body doesn't necessarily mean taking the easy route for training. A relaxed hand on the piano is a faster player than an angry one. Try to show more emotions, diverse repetory shows a diverse, and interesting mind.

That's two lessons from the ancestral me.

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