Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aerosmith in the morning

Good morning, I'm sure no one read's this anyway. However, this little diary is my own bloody indulgence.

So, the topic on my mind today is communication. As I may previously have stated in posts, I read wikihow articles in an effort to seek self-improvement tips. Some I have found are nice gems of tips. Of course life experience comes in as a good contributor to noetic truths. There are a few wikihow pages on communicating properly. I'm going to make a list of propositional remarks.

1. My parents, perhaps due to being non native english speakers (although that excuse is wearing thing) have trouble communicating in proper english. Now by proper english I mean the highest standard of grammatical perfection. To most normal people they are 'okay'.

2. I have issues with my communication, and a chip on my shoulder because my poor grasp of communicating ideas was one contributing factor to my poor postgraduate performance. This weighs heavily on my mind. It's led to my insecurity about the english language.

3. I am as a result of (2.), self conscious about the english of other people, and I find many flaws of their english. Their flaws also remind me of my own. Call that a noble hypocrisy if you will.

4. I make an effort to improve my english, I like the grammar girl podcasts (I live by them). I've read the 'The Elements of Style' and the wikihow thing is small pennies by comparison

5. I have pretty bad woken english. Partly this is because I speak too fast and there are errors. I think to myself (perhaps in a Wittgensteinian way) that language in speech is thought itself. So, consequently, poor language is unclear thought. For someone with an MA, that's the highest offence to have unclear thoughts or a lack of clarity.

6. I mumble, mumbling is when you talk in a low, indistinct tone where words are not enunciated as well, so words sound unclear. The worst kind of mumbling is my dad's, I ask him again to repeat what he says, and often he says a different sentence. That indicates to me that he doesn't even know what he's saying. If I were to unpack what my dad often says word for word, it would not make very much sense at all. I make an effort to nitpick on their flaws. Any professor should do the same for me. This is my effort to embody the higher values that I wish to aspire to.

7. Aspiration needs embodiment of those values and goals it aspires to. In order to be in a better situation, I need to think in a better way. My mother often uses anaphora in a way which makes no sense at all. 'Could you get the thing?' she would ask, what fucking thing? 'over there', where is there? you aren't pointing.

8. My parents embody a slovenly set of proletarian values, and it is my social immobility which frustartes me the most. Why should I bother with reading commentaries on German Idealism when my parents are comfortable with double negatives and big brother (and I don't mean anything from Orwell, either).

I'm glad that's off my chest. Back to my day. I feel awkward going into the office on wednesdays. Mainly because I dont think they have 'work' for me and I feel uncomfortable and unwelcome there. Are they waiting for me to 'leave'?

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