Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is there anything else I can help with?

Right now that's kind of how I feel. I hear that phrase so often it means nothing sinceere at all. It's a phraswe, its a coded ritualised message stated in social customs that is obligatory in prescribed roles. It means something to the effect of, closing up a case or a customer service transation, one politely asks if there is any other thing to help with in order to consolidate and complete the emotional transaction.

Today I've done enough to merit me going to bed and just spending the rest of the evening wanking and reading dirty stories, as I do with most evenings. Perhaps I want to break the routine. I've finished all my tasks about 2 hours too late to go to the gym, but doing so means I have at least finished my tasks. There was a point about 2:30 in the afternoon where I felt entirely fatigued so I went for a little siesta, waking up about 5:30 I got back to task.

Now I've got everything done in the day which includes:

  • Receipt of railcard
  • Receipt of debit card
  • Call from police officer
  • Job Search
  • Sent off job application
  • Little reading tasks
I could do more job searching and clear up the rest of the future tasks of the week, I suppose clearing up the tasks means I have a lesser load in the coming weeks, or it could mean that I free up space to do more things, the latter seems more likely. At that point when I consider that completing all the tasks only leads to doing more, I feel a sense of how pointless these tasks are. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I wonder how far these tasks are actually useful. Perhaps I might keep going with little or medium sized tasks.

I have a suspiciou/fear that my sex drive is going. I did have a big wank in the afternoon to satiate me, but I am a little concerned in general that as I get older, my libido (and sense of energy about life in general) will go away. Or maybe I'm just really focussed on other stuff right now. I suppose I can give myself a pat on the back for getting lots done today, and for almost completely overcoming the damage control of the event of monday.

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