Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Itinerary for a man who woke up at midday (Bathory in the afternoon)

Lesson of the day: Don't reply to text messages when you are half asleep.

At the moment I woke up fairly late and I am basically doing a 'damage control' measure. I am pondering how to go about my day. I have the following considerations (this is me thinking aloud by the way)

  • Fixed plan: Go to neighbour's for dinner (07:30)
  • Fixed plan: go to counselling in 2 hours
  • Undetermined: go to gym?
  • Completed: tidy up bed, brush teeth, shave, reply to neighbour and mum
  • Suggested actions: tidy up room of mess, tidy up downstairs of mess, tidy up anywhere else, pack gym bag (I'm going on wednesday anyway), iron clothes, put new load in wash, have something more substantial than lucozade for breakfast.

Okay, I think that's a list that is actually substantial before I go to counselling. I'm going to summarise to make it clear for myself:

  1. Tidy up room upstairs
  2. Tidy up living room
  3. Iron and put dry clothes away
  4. put new load in wash
  5. Food?
  6. Pack gym bag.
Okay. I'm done. I've sent this to my phone to help me. Useful use of a blog, by the way.

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