Friday, July 17, 2009

Going through old posts

I've been blogging since 2004. That's 5 years. I have multiple blogs. This would be my fourth or second one (depends on your 'definition'. Anyway. I am basically anonymising and hiding my old posts, these posts show me up in the sense of embarrassing me now.

I have changed a fair bit, but on the other hand, perhaps I have not changed.

My grammar seems to have been improved. I seemed to address very trivial and silly issues. Like a Univeristy student starved of knowledge and feeding only on what they know, plus additional 'a' level knowledge. I try not to think about myself as a person who has done these qualifications and these courses. I have always felt a need within myself to be special. Felt that I wanted to be special, out of the ordinary, unique, original, one of a kind. Perhaps I am those things in a way, but I am also very unspectacular. I hope I haven't repeated words, that is normally a sign of one's bad command of english.

I'll be posting soon. I like to take a pause and make these observations, they may find insight into who I am later on, like a futureme email.

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