Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Three things of note:

1. Work is cancelled this Thursday. Fuck, that means' I'll only get paid for 16 hours of work next month. I'm not sure I can live on that.
2. Related to 1. I've sent off a form asking to cancel my JSA claim, in the assumption that I'd not need to claim JSA anymore. Part of it is because I hate the obligations I have to them, but also I hate the stigma of being unemployed. Even if I'm working a job that pays little with few hours, at least I'm earning my keep in life. I wish I had an oppurtunity
3. Related to 3. I have an interview invitation. I've an interview next week for an exceptionally boring employer, but it involves actual academical skills, and the pay isn't terrible (£21 k per year starting), so I guess that's nothign to sneeze at, when I sent off the application ages ago I had two concerns. The first concern was that I didn't fit the profile 100%, the other concern was that I didn't get the job the last time I applied for it.

That was the same for mencap. Well, back to 'work'. I woke up feeling I slept in, but it was only 9am. I had a weird night last night. A song by Emilie Autumn triggered some weird reaction in me, maybe its weird-good. I'm feeling overall happier in recent weeks I think its fair to say, despite the purging and occaisional trigger. I bet something will happen immediate to the next post which will make me retract that. I'm thinking about xmas presents for family. With  limited budget it's a bit of an issue. Especially because the money this month will have to last at least until half way through january, or late jan. Shit. I need to be frugal.

In other news, I'm 223lbs this morning. Who knows how long that would last.

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