Thursday, December 23, 2010

Procrasintation evolved

I spent most of my day playing halo, pissing about on my xbox (saying 'my xbox has a funny ring to it') and watching judge dredd. I am a confirmed geek, maybe a noob geek. Oh, and I spent the morning wanking. I was planning to meet up with a friend today, she has an issue with not getting a flight to her home country, so myself and a friend are helping her out in trying to resolve her situation. I'd like to think that I've been supportive, I don't know. I just feel like I'm wasting away. I guess turning inward and playing halo and wanking doesn't really spell out proactive now does it?

Over the past 7 days I have:

  • Applied to 5 jobs
  • Went to an academic panel discussion (which is now a podcast)
  • Went to see friend and watch tron
  • Bought shoes
  • Bought clothes from uniqlo
  • Recieved xbox
  • Went xbox shopping
  • updated my young person's discount rail card
  • Recieved shifts for january
  • Tidied and reorganised my clothes cupboard and wardrobe (not a small task - I needed a schematising system)
  • Constructed financial projections
Right now I have depleted my attention span. I don't think this is a good thing. In other news, the playlist that I constructed in May has almost completed, this is amusing because the last few tracks on the playlist are christmas related soft rock (Trans Siberian Orchestra).

I am going to put the rubbish in the black bag downstairs, and then try to remember what I am doing.

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