Sunday, October 25, 2009

135 minutes

Every sunday I go training. I set myself the target of 75 minutes (one hour fifteen minutes). I lasted 135 minutes. I pushed myself for a lot of reasons:

1. Self discovery
2. There were pretty girls in the park
3. The feeling of distress that I could not express

I felt like I could re form who I am, who I was, and most importantly, who I will be, if I went the proverbial second mile. If I went further and harder, pushed myself more and more, challenge and push my limits. Push harder, and harder, and harder. Most times I go out to train I am quite aware that either I feel too weak to continue, or some other kind of mental block. I did not feel the block today nor did I make any excuse. I think that the biggest reason I do not go further on weekdays is because I schedule a jog in between tasks and I feel those tasks heavier on my head. After this revelation, i realise that I do not think that I can do this kind of long jog very much.

On the plus side, I think that this must mean that I have moved a step forward. It also means that this naive and virginal effort must be maintained in order to either break even or push harder. This will be a most interesting prospect.

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