Monday, October 26, 2009


Okay, I recieved two pieces of mail.

One is from UCAS, confirming my GTTR application (basically, I'm applying to be a teacher)

I have decided to add another application on the list, because it says I can; I want to apply to be a primary school teacher and I understand that I can amend (add) to the application

The other letter said it was from the NHS, I was excited, anticipating that I was going to get a letter about counselling. I am still waiting on that one. It was a letter which I suppose was also important, my ophamology appointment is put forward by 3 days. I guess thats not one I should ignore. It has been a long time since I went to the GP asking about the counselling. Why haven't they replied to me, when I have gotten not only a GP phone call but two letters regarding the eye. Fuck seeing, I want counselling!

Anyway. I am quite pleased, not just because I got mail (the postalworkers may have another strike), but also because I feel that I am advancing things and moving things forward, not ust for my long term eye condition, but in terms of looking for a job.

Oh yeah, and I GOT AN INTERVIEW OFFER! booya! It's for an internship.

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