Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking forward: the novelty of a new year

The good things I like about this new years' period are:

  • Advertising appeals to a general consciousness of self-improvement and acknowledging of things people need to work on. That's a good attitude to have all times of the year
  • No more parties for at least until summer (phew)
  • I don't see so many family members or old friends until probably summer, or whenever the big next celebration/mourning period is
  • Sales
  • The novelty of a new year, and the general novelty of newness gives one a sense of short term motivation that does not last very long. The flawed nature of my mind (and perhaps this is more general than me) is that people will thing this sense of motivation will last forever. I guess that short-termism mistakenly transllated into a long term commitment which takes much effort and dedication, is the flaw of the human condition. Feeding me now will not feed me forever. Happiness is but a temporary and passing state, not some enduring mindset that stays without effort (that sounds like drug-addled mania to me)
Having a long termist and perhaps 'pessimist' outlook means I don't follow my waves of emotions too much, not to say that I do not. Last night and the night before I rode the wave of enjoyment partly fueled by alcohol and other parts fueled by genuine excitement (note to self, my mental monologue over-uses the word 'genuine'; it's my equivalent of how people over use literally).

Now that the party has ended, and the after party has ended, I need to get back to things. I had a trigger of upset earlier. Perhaps its a little trigger, but its enough to throw me a bit. I need to think up new tasks to keep organised (things if I ignore I'll end up in a worse situation), but also keep the regularity and consistency of the tasks I've already constructed.

My schedule is a dialectic: the sufficient amount of regularity and order insofar as it is possible to keep in my pre planned tasks keeps me organised, but being flexible enough to account for the new, and refresh and revise what I already have to do in order to make my situation even beter, is a sense of initiative that (ideally) gives me a wider perspective beyond the ritualism and obsession with a single plan which may change or fail.

I learned a lot of flaws about myself this week, partly through my own acts but also from watching the flaws of others. Flawed people this week:

  • Alcohol issue guy who danced half naked
  • My friend who treats other friends in a derogatory way without realising the tension it creates
  • My friends who have laziness and lack of effort where things don't get done or move forward (I am guilty of this more than any of the flaws mentioned)
  • Showing off too much to the extent that you over state your abilities.
Okay I've said my piece. Now to get on with my year, my week, and my life.

P.S. it totally does not feel like a Sunday.

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