Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, 26th September

On this day, i went to see my estranged cousin. I haven't seen her for about 15 years, or more specifically, I have not spoken to her.

She is all grown up and late 20s, she has been married for  few months now. She has married a guy who is essentially a techie geek. We have some things in common although we haven't seen too many of the same anime. I used to be into anime but now I keep busy with other thinsg. Perhaps I shall start another anime some time soon?

I also was blighted by a migraine today. That was quite bad. It took out all the scheduled tasks of the day.

My ex-girlfriend (it will be difficult saying that) asked to bring a big bag so that I can take my stuff back with me. I might take one of my dad's work bags, although that might get his company in trouble if a non-employee is using it.

It is upsetting that my girlfriend is making such actions and gestures, as if to cut me out of her life. I suppose from her point of view it is clearing emotionally and physically my presence.

Losing her is essentially losing my support network. I am without support when I get down, and I am feeling pretty down.

I woke up very late today (on sunday), and I got up slowly. I'll write about that in my next post...

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