Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Trip hop depresses me

I purged yesterday.

It was because I binged and my body didn't want to make up the calorie difference.

I am 227lbs today. I am glad. I still feel fat, but I'm on the road to progress. This is going to take some time, I know.

I really shouldn't be blogging right now because I need to focus and busy myself and make sure I'm not late for the train. I'm going to the job centre, I dont know how long it will take. Probably longer than I expect (a circular answer but a true one). I am thinking maybe 20-30 mins. After that I am going to go on one train to get to my internship. I hope they dont notice that I'm late.

So today looks like the whole day is predetermined, and that it will be quite enduring. Lets hope that it works out well for me. I'm going to take my laptop over today to  do the work. So lets hope it doesnt explode, either

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