Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the past couple of days

The past couple of days I have been eating quite a lot. Too much takeaway, and my parents do not give me very consistent messages. I have so much to say to critique my parents, but I feel powerless to say anything.

While on the subject of powerless, I purged on sunday. The final part of my wisdom tooth has come out. Or as my dentist friend corrected me, the final part of the crown (because there is still the root underneath.

So I've lost a tooth. It's the start to a long process of aging. Losing all your teeth, and fading away. Lets move on to some positives.

1. I applied to two jobs today
2. I applied to two jobs yesterday
3. I applied to a job on sunday
4. I have further followed up my job centre 'issues' (I'm starting to get used to how unhelpful they are)
5. I went for a jog, 43 minutes - 10 minutes calisthenics. As soon as I finish this post I'm going to calculate the data.

This issue of the internship offer is not an ideal result, but it is a positive one. Do I take an internship? I guess I have no choice in a way, on the other hand; I have two job interviews coming up and I might get an offer from them...

It's a bit of a quandry, and I thought that I cannot immediately decide upon anything just yet so I'd 'jog' on it. Now im back. I think I need to ponder this issue a little more. I feel that as I type this post I feel a little inadequate in my self-articulation. I do not feel that I am communicating myself very well, I hate that feeling. I feel that there's a 'shadow' of something inside me that I am only expressing a small amount of.

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