Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The 'logans run' interview

This might sound weird considering that I'm 23.

There is an unhealhty emphasis on youth. The youth are stupid, and I'm young. The wisdom of those older than us should be acknowledged a little more and we should stop looking at pretty faces all the time. We need to see mroe ugliness in the world.

The interview I went to was based in a media company, who try this intellectual outreach kind of thing; a highbrow set of events. I think I shot myself in the foot somehow. Needless to say that I think the interview went quite badly. Maybe I went off too much on how much I know my subject. Maybe I was intimidating, maybe they thought I talked too much; maybe they thought I was irrelevant.

Everyone in the building was eerily young. The receptionist seemed to start off by having a spanish accent and then it sounded like a toff-from-posh-university. There was a posh kitchen next to the reception, and she asked to take my picture (security policy I think?) as I signed in (I forgot to sign out as well). Everyone there could easily have been head boy or girl at their school, captain of the rugby team, head debater, lead violin, top sprinter. They had that 'I'm perfect and posh' aura about them. The receptionist downstairs had an almost identical face to the woman upstairs. It felt like logans run, or something.

I dont think I got the job. I just have to focus on other things; the PhD applications, book review, dates, other jobs. I've felt busy this week. Antonia is saying weird things to me this week. She's been sort of suggesting we get back together. Thats very dangerous, because I'd let her back into my life too easily, I need to put up more of a fight. Or at least date more girls. Is she emotionally manipulating me?

Anyway, enough about her. I have a date tomorrow. That should be fun!

I'm scared, I'm shy, I'm afraid it won't go well, I'm afraid it will go well. I'm afraid she might see my long johns. I'm afraid if she's a tease.

I'm positive. She asked me out, I guess that means she's forward, confident and has some liking to me. We are going to a gig, I can retreat to music mode and intellectual mode if I have to. But don't overdo it.

Today I planned to get a lot done but I haven't really gotten much done. Not as much as I would have liked. I did howevr make two steps forward. It counts towards something but it still means that tomorrow will have to be quite rigorous and busy, and within schedule to getting to the date!

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