Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dear Diary,


Friday (which just passed) is going to be my last proper day off for a while. I had a fatigue-nap, and i woke up around 11pm. I am still awake. Might sleep soon. I had a lot of energy after my fatigue-nap, so I used it to catch up on stuff. Non priority stuff mind you. 


Things I did on Friday:

  • Bought gift card for My brother's girlfriend 
  • Window Shopping
  • Recieved replacement Oyster Card (shit that felt longer than a day ago)
  • Sent off book review (first thing I did)
  • Received response about a journal I emailed about

Things I did after fatigue-nap

  • Job Searching
  • Archiving and Playlisting - made a new playlist, "2013.11" 


There's more to do. I've got a list. 

So tired, so much to do. I wonder if other people my age have these kinds of problems. I've not had much time for social life because I have so many items on my list. 

I've been reading some articles on the Guardian and stuff about university starting and its triggered ome memories. I work near a university and I saw all these hipster fresher kids...again, more memories. 


For the most part I've been avoiding the memories...for the most part. I've got enough to work on in my life at the moment. I sent an email to myself in the future, in the next 5 years, to capture the zeitgeist of now.


Anyway...onwards I go.Maybe bedwards...I probably should. Starting to feel tired again. I am aiming to go to the gym in5 hours!

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