Friday, August 23, 2013

That's the hard decision one has to make in this age

Dear Diary,


So the consultant that cancelled my assignment was all like 'I'm definitely going to put you forward for the next assignment'. Then I get an email: can you do tuesday-friday? 

Unfortunately, I can't. I was thinking about this.

Tuesday is when I have the interview. Would I be willing to cancel the interview to do some work at the Sentinel? 

I had to think about this and I decided, no, no I wouldn't. 


I know what you are thinking, in terms of probabilities the likelyhood of getting this job at the media company is low. Probably 15%. Chance of getting some £ if I accepted the assignment...certain. I need to make gambles. I am gambling on an interview for full time work, and cancelling on a 3 day assignment of admin. 

If I took the assignment, I would be burning a bridge to a potential job. If I didn't take the assignment (which I didn't), I am missing out on cash that I really do need. 


That's the hard decisions one has to make in this age

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