Monday, August 12, 2013

Mood Gym

Dear Diary,

So today I may find out if I have aspergers. I'm not really thinking too much about it currently. I am however, thinking a bit about my body and my mind. I've started a CBT based course online called 'Mood Gym'. It's making me think about concepts like how thoughts lead to feelings, and feelings lead to actions. I'm trying to think in that paradigm and some of my thoughts and feelings are really hard to challenge. They are things that feel so fundamental to me that I feel like it would hurt if I let it go.

I'm going to give CBT a go and I really need to be open about this. I really need to challenge those thoughts and beliefs which seem so fundamental but affect my mindset. There's lots of stuff that I remember happening. Perhaps that's why I'm getting all the flashbacks lately. The flashbacks perhaps relate to feelings, which in turn are influencers of my actions. The flashback may be things that were experiences that led to beliefs that in turn effect my present actions.

Karl Popper has this analogy that scientific knowledge and methodology works like a stack in a muddy swamp, more things pile up on it to keep it erect, but at some point the stack will just fall over and then maybe another stack will build up somewhere else or on a different basis.

Time to start my day. I woke up not in the best way.

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