Thursday, June 11, 2009

one of those days

On the day that I discovered that I didn't get into the PhD. I think it was the 16th December 2008. I felt such a powerful sense of distress. That day, and the subsequent thoughts, determined a great deal of my thoughts and actions since then. That moment was a self-realisation and a moment to change. The first thing I had to do was 'undo' all of the immediate situation I am currently in now. That involved acknowledging it which was quick. but also acting.

I was at my girlfriend's for a fair few days when I found out. It was then that my girlfriend bought a DVD of In the Night Garden. It has since had a special significance. I like the way that it is easing, calm, innocent, non-judgmental and friendly. "Don't worry Igglepiggle".

Today I shall decide to act.

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