Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My day (up until 2pm)

8:30 - earliest start I've had in a long time; I woke up to the tune of the sun glaring across my naked body. This is a welcome thing as I went to sleep about 3am
9am - started sitting up, then I had a wank, then I lay down, then I had another, and another. An hour passes.
10am - I manage to sit up, get up and do my daily procrastination of looking at google reader.
10-11 - I send an application for a job (see last post), sort out some discrepencies and poorly planned future days in the week. Girlfriend tells me that she may be coming to see my parents next week (as she'll be in town for a work thing)
11-12: pissing about, I don't even think I wanked, I was just wasting time
12-2: after pissing about, I decided to go for a jog to Primark at the city centre, then eat at KFC (a mini meal), which itself I struggled with. I then jogged back and took a slightly different route. On the way I also noticed how sexy some of the summer girls are, noticed a lot of fake hair, fake tans and dyed blondes. Is it really that embarrassing to be ginger? Anyway...

Now I'm back, I stopped by a newsagents (probably the only one owned and run by white people, I noted) for a coke and I'm back here estimating the actual distance I went: I jogged/walked 6km

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