Monday, June 8, 2009

Bad riddance

I have been informed by a bigshot phd student who did an MA in my year that the departmental office is going to be closed down. This means that the secretaries of the department are going to be laid off. This gives me a mix of feelings; one is that I am quite saddened as they do a very good job at what they do and the alternative 'schoolification' of the university and faculty will not be sufficient for the needs of the department I was in.

Another thought also is a little vindictive; the departmental secretary never treated me nicely, as if she knew about my mental illness and made me feel stupid and stigmatised for it. She always used to belittle me and make me feel idiotic for my mistakes. The dept secretary had a lot of power, there was a rumor that she binned a lot of PhD applications for the prestigious studentship that bigshot got. Its not so much a rumour, but an admission by staff and a couple of students. She made me feel very uncomfortable, but I don't judge her title for that, just her as a person.

Despite that, I still feel quite sad for anyone losing their job. Even if they were mean to me, that was my problem, not theirs.

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