Thursday, April 2, 2009

a comfort zone

I have little habits and quirks. Those kinds of things that take years to develop. I have lately een unquestioning of these habits and merely let them go by. Sometimes habits can be bad, like smoking. Sometimes habits can be a great thing like waking up early, or brushing one's teeth.

I've found jogging a recent habit. However I think on some days I give it a miss due to the inconvenience of getting my gear together, or as I am now, a little bit poorly and physically weak to do it safely.

I was just thinking now, while reading an academic encyclopaedia (not wiki) on an article, about how I myself used to dispute issues in a seminar room. When I was a joint-honours undergrad, I was in a subject where people didn't know very much avt scientific developments. I often had to roll out my greater knowledge of the issue to (a) shut them up and (b) stick to the proper issue of the seminar and not go off in a tangent.  I then led myself to think about a following issue. What are those things that I have habitually learned and developed?

I wear very similar clothes and a schema to characterise my individuality. I carry certain things on my person at any given time. I find distinction in the watch that I wear. Note that I have worn only three watches over the past 10 years. I also have a quirk for 'small is good' and mobility. It is almost like a philosophy, a mindset that extens my beliefs to my actions and dress sense, and even the things that I keep in my pockets. 

I like to have things in a very particular way, or if I'm in a situation where I am not in control of the effects or environment; I like to keep a little package, or container, or collection of things that I consider essential so I can be mobile. I aspire to have a travel pack so that I can be individual and yet immerse in many environments. My attitude to clothes and the various gadgets I keep is a constant conversation: what is good to wear? when shoudl I change? should I add anything? how can I integrate and reduce? However, I've found lately that some things have not been challenged; namely, some habits that I have had have not been negative to me. Does that make my habitual behaviour and practice a beneficial thing? I shall leave the jury out I suppose.

I used to love waistcoats and dress shirts, now I have been so far away from it that it has been phased out to the past. I now wear T-shirts predominantly but have recently re-learned about formal dress. I bought a suit last month (as I probably mentioned) and one old practice that I have is to wear a particular (a very particular)  set of cufflinks. I would hate wearing any other pair right now.

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