Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Got to pump on.

Dear Diary,

I got up around 10-11. First time in a while that I've actually lazed out of bed. Getting up I realised I have only a few hours before badminton to get shit done. I did the big job search, then Applied to a few jobs (5) I got a call from one of the young and attractive sounding recruiters. Will see how that goes.

Work yesterday, got fucking tired. Didn't do gym.

Today: Job searching, blog stuff, applying to shit, planning stuff.

Later today: Gym stuff, Eating. Badminton.


Something makes me feel Restless today. I'm not sure what it is. But Restless is good. It means I'm bouncing around, It means I'm getting shit done. It means I have a big fuckoff lot of windows open on firefox that I want to cut down and make sure aren't up.

I have no work for the rest of the week. This means that I have no excuses about gym, no excuses about blogging, no excuses about my book review and all the other shit I have planned. I've got to fucking push on.I've got to hit that shit hard. I have to take that love of the pump to the gym with me and take it out of the gym. I've got to love the pump, love that feeling of blood rushing, that tingle of pain in my body, that feeling of giving up and embracing the pain. I've got to bring that to my real life.

Hit that shit, hit that shit, HIT THAT SHIT!

God I love fucking testosterone.

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