Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Good afternoon.


Yes I'm up late, I know.There's some things on my mind.


Been feeling really good this morning after the gym burn. I feel so good about myself when I push myself hard at the gym. I can't describe the pleasure.


So this day? It is what I make of it. I am proud of yesterday. If I did more days like that I'd be happy. I got an extra shift at work by replying to an email quickly. An extra few hours means a few extra quid coming in. I'm very low on funds this month. I'll need to find a way to fill the gap.


Yesterday my training partner (I need to give him a name) was telling me how he love being back in london and how he feels like he's finally getting ahead at work. I'm happy for him.  I really just wish I moved forward too. I wish I could move forward like him, like my other friends, like everyone else. I hate this fucking job situation. I hate this fucking life situation. Even if I ever get out of this, I'll never let go of this feeling.It's a dark fucking place, and I have to find glimmers of light wherever I can.


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