Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stupour (I'm sorry)

The past few days I have not posted. This is not because of the false impression of being busy, although perhaps I was. Friday I went out with a friend. We had a few drinks local to where I live, in addition I had a bit of a hangover/drunken moment immediately after drinking. It was strange how easily drunk I got. Perhaps my new training routine had somethign to do with that. Enter, Saturday, I did the gym (it seems forever ago), I then went on another social call, this time a birthday party. Sunday involved relatives visiting on an easter related occaision. Today I have the house to myself, perhaps in lieu of all the activity, I just zoned out and I only applied to one job. I felt incredibly guilty about my inactivity this monday, but perhaps in lieu of all my tiring social activity, I needed to rest. There are things I could talk about, things I want to talk about in this blog post, but I feel incredibly tired and cannot concentrate. If I have time tomorrow I may post. I feel right now that I am losing control of my schedule and my rituals. It took a great amount of effort even to just shave today. I feel very much in a stupour. It is also this same stupour why I can barely concentrate on even writing this blog right now. I'm sorry...

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