Monday, May 23, 2011

Week in review

I'm sorry about posting nothing earlier, I have a 'small' problem with my scribefire. Anyway I think its resolved now. On with the blog. Today I have done the following:

  • Applied to a research job
  • Job searched
  • Jogging (kcal expenditure 600)
  • Ate too much

I felt pretty tired today so I went at things at a very slow pace. My day was fairly lonely, but I managed to get by, I probably did a bit too much wanking and overeating. I fell off the wagon as they say. I'm going to be hard on myself for gym tomorrow. That said, my feet have un-sexy sores all over them. This is an odd thing tos ay, but with the exception of actually applying to jobs, I have finished most of the scheduled tasks. Now it is a matter of getting in to the intense swing of actually shootign off job applications. My week summary is as follows:

Training sessions: 5

Jobs applied: 6

Weight lost ~4-6lbs

All things considered: not bad, not bad...

Now to keep up the pace, and if possible, up the gear. I really crave some chocolate now

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