Thursday, May 5, 2011

Voting day!

Dear Diary, This morning was another one of those 'how long was I out for?' days. My sister is in labour at the moment and today is the referendum for changing the electoral system. This is a moment many people have wanted for a great many years, so I think its important to vote. I heard from Marie yesterday, she barely remembered me and said something just a little blunt but fair: it was 4 years ago. That I suppose made me have a trigger, it's true it was 4 years ago. Get over yourself. I got upset, but then I went to the gym and got some sweat out of me. I definately got some pain and suffering out on the resistance machines as well as on the rowing machine. I pushed myself hard and inflicted a distinct pain on my body. In a way, the physical pain I can manage if I inflict it on myself. However, when my mind inflicts something on me, I just have no control. I think the nice thing about having mia, or any voice in my head, is the impression that I'm not alone. Yesterday I sent off a job application, caught up on some google articles and finally I started writing after training. I guess that counts as productive. I think I found a bit of flair when writing. In a sense, it is a condensed form of my blogging. I find lately that I'm in a bit of a writers block when blogging so I should just finish this post and get on with my day. It's not as if I have nothing to get on with. The first order of the day is to vote! I'll see you later

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