Saturday, February 21, 2009

death and ...

I have had a bit of a panic attack today. My fears had culminated in a single form. Fill your details for council tax exemption. I'm not a student anymore (quite upsetting in itself) and that means I am the sole person to pay council tax for the flat. It is a big flat so my council tax is about £1700 (already incurring discount). In a word, I'm fucked, well not fucked, but I'm panicking. I'm having that sweat from fear. I suppose the anxiety will never end, on the plus side, I think this is the worst news I can get for at least a year, this affects my credit and financial situation. An Mphil rejection hurts my pride, but I can live on albeit undignified.

A big part of me has felt broken from my PhD rejection. All that hope and desire culminating had fell short of reality. There is a small glimmer of hope, but its so small. I must keep going. On the plus side, today I made not much food. Maybe I'll have one positive to say about myself.

On the cusp of success, I lost it all. My life is really in the shitter. I deleted Marie's phone number from my memory. Maybe I'll delete her MSN chat records. I will do that now.

I feel that's the only kind of progress I can make today, if that's so, I'll take it.

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