Wednesday, June 8, 2011

For a stupour day, its not so bad

Dear Diary,

There is not much to say about today. Although I've made a few actions of note, I don't feel they are noteworthy enough. These actions are important in the sense that I need to do them, but I do feel that today has been slow. I fell asleep for 3 hours earlier today between 1600 - 1930 and this was perhaps due to a low blood sugar level. I think that is the case because when I ate something after waking up I realised my energy levels went right up again. Either that, or I'm 'starving' myself. My calories are good today, the estimated intake is under 2000kcal, I just had a fix of lamb and I've mostly had bread today. I hear that they say carbs are bad, but I'm still within my calorie limit, maybe that's okay (right?)

I think one thing was putting me off today, well no, not one thing. The fact that there were several things from yesterday that I needed to deal with as overflow for today and tomorrow put me off a bit today. Looking up the PhD, which I did. It's not suitable, I didn't get a good vibe from it. It's a shame really because it would be nice to do a PhD. I even had a better chance for getting in. I then sent off a shift list to the boss. My 'boss' has changed person of late because one of the people in the managerial staff have went on maternity, in addition to that one of the other managerial staff have moved to another organisation. Anyway that's a change that doesn't affect me, it's nice that all of my bosses are attractive women.

I did a bit of job searching, and article reading, and I have also confirmed a meeting that I have tomorrow. I don't know whether its for a job or a voluntary position or an 'internship'? I don't know if I'm underqualified or have no technical qualifications. I'll just say this: the organisation is a social media startup that has the job of making other startups. Now, that sounds a little bullshitty. There is also the opportunity to use some of my networking (I never thought I'd say that in my life again) with the organisation I interned with, or make a name for myself in podcasting and social media, instead of a facebook profile that has a comic book character on the profile page.

(Note to self: put up recent pictures of your body)

I apologise for being lazy. I'll say some positives:

  • I lost more weight today
  • I did 4 'major' tasks today
  • One of those tasks involved great anxiety
  • Well, two of them did, and I have a sort-of interview tomorrow
  • I'm not behind on my schedule, and even though I've felt shitty and slow today, I have caught up on tasks

I have noticed that I have a certain kind of rhythm in the week. Some days after training I feel really low in energy, this is usually later in the week. It is also in the first half of the week where my weight loss is really active, the 2nd half is kind of more a re-gain of 1-2lbs then losing it again, then goes down further at the start of the next week. My body does need to have 'off' days from extreme activity. Considering the activity of yesterday, I am quite glad I managed to get some things done. I need to push tasks back today however. I'll make it. I think I'll do training after the interview.

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