Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the google schedule

At the moment I am clearing up some tasks on my schedule. very often I go on the prospects graduate website and seek information and contacts. I then schedule more tasks (based on that contact list) to aid my job search. In parallel with that I go on wikihow.org to learn social skills and introspectively consider how to be a better person. Lots of my schedule is filled with tasks that appear as short, 30 minute activities (although they aren't 30 minutes they are represtned as such on the calendar).

Activities include:

1. Job search (job board)
2. researching an industry
3. Investigating a lead/vacancy list
4. Reading wikihow
5. Scheduled reading or download task
6. Encyclopaedia article
7. Scheduled watching of lecture series

And this is what my life mostly consists of.

Right now, I find contentment from it. Today I did about '6 hours' of reading tasks. That's 12 x 30 minute short recon tasks, which in turn has occupied the next two weeks full of contacts and leads from those tasks i've just investigated.

Do I sound organised? If i actually live to the schedule or move ahead of it; I am organised, if I have a low day and fall behind; its dangerous.

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