Monday, August 6, 2018


Dear Diary,

I have a thing pinned on google keep that asks me to name three positives, which I've probably mentioned before.

So here they are:

  • I did so much housework this week, so much that I have followup for future housework tasks. I even bought leather wipes
  • This saturday I got up out of bed properly at 10am, I did about 3 hours straight housework and the routinised nature of the task helped keep me on the level
  • At the gym earlier today, I did 225kg calf presses. That's a quarter of a tonne, right? 

(some more)

  • I feel like I look like a different person in the mirror. I'm not sure if I have physically changed, but I see someone different. Perhaps having a beard helps
  • I am seriously thinking about the future. I have so many savings funds going on right now, not just the mortgage one but for other big purchases. I am thinking about big purchases but I also level it out by saving a specific amount before buying it and doing research beforehand. God that sounds so fucking boring

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