Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Dear Diary,

This monday just ending was an example of a perfect achievement day. Or at least how I perceive a fully productive and active day.

I woke up not feeling exhausted, I got to work sort of on time and I was on top of my workload that I even did a gym session during lunch, had a bit of a walk and then had some sandwiches for Lunch.

I left work early, having gotten ahead of my original plan for data entry. I had the next 5 days planned of what I specifically wanted to do. I managed to get loads done so I got ahead of what was planned. I then got home early. I finished work 90 minutes earlier than my official end but I'm 2-3 days ahead.

As I got home I sat on my desk, I just worked and worked and worked on things. I caught up on magazine reading, I worked on my tasks, I set a list of what I wanted to do tonight in an ideal setting. I got it all done.; I had a bit of a wobble around 2100 because a neighbour's house alarm went off and that made me anxious.

I saw a whole season of Peep Show during all my passive reading and catching up. Actually I didn't do everything I planned. I wanted to catch up on some emails and do my weekly review data for week 33.

My energy levels have been consistent today, my energy level and mental acuity has been good. Today has been so good that it makes me worry: when is my 'down' day going to happen?

I don't keep this active every day. I know that there's a down day, I know my mind and I know my body too well. It's nice to have a day where I'm excellent and efficient and super receptive to learning...but then there's the balance. The stupour days.

I should leave the audiobook on to sleep to (Gene Wilder's autobiography) with my hipster music playlist on spotify, passively playing as I slumber. I feel my body slowly creaking and slowly fading to sleep and fatigue. Before I sleep I really must do my teeth. After my recent dentist's appointment, I really need to do better with my dental routine.

I know on other blogs, people talk about feelings, big ideas, philosophical sorts of things. I have a masters in philosophy and all that deep shit is a busman's holiday. I spent yesterday reading about hashing techniques and my whole working life is an abstract approach to the stack overflow problem.

Now off to bed. A good day. I might even pray to be thankful for my day.

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