Saturday, August 25, 2018

Dear Diary,

At the Sentinel, I've taken on responsibilities to manage the duties of who does what for a team of production journalists.

I've become the planning master.

I've been taking this pre-workout stuff and its been affecting my mind. It reminds me a lot of mia. WHen I purged I felt this kind of sensation of completeness and satisfaction in my soul, like some kind of spiritual sense of Catholic Absolution.

The Preworkout jacks up my mind and makes me think things and feel things. It also gives me a higher level of cognitive functionality which makes me plan things.

One thing I'm working on is not just planning ahead of time, but estimating on the basis of my previous records, when I am more likely to experience stupour (and therefore cannot stick to an intensive plan). In short, I must plan to deal with the cycles of my mood and low energy.

I'm working on this. I say this as my brain slowly fogs. It's okay if my brain is fogging now. It's 2am on a saturday morning.

I'm planning to ...(feeling foggy) some intensive gym in the morning.

Other things coming up:

  • Weekend warrior sunday workout
  • Bank HOliday Monday - going to an important talk; also [important] my Cousin from Canada is in the UK for a very short time.
  • Wednesday: Union meeting on pay rise proposal // Also - I'M GOING TO SEE THE WELL TEMPERED CLAVIER PLAYED IN FULL (book 2)
  • After next week - My boss comes back from extended leave, we must talk about the forward plan.
  • Sunday 2 - Dental appointment
  • Wednesday 5 -- I'm off the waiting list and I'm properly on a PTSD therapy course
You know, when I write it all down, I realise how much I have to do and how fast paced my life is from a certain perspective. 

But I must just take it one step at a time. Even if I take a few steps and then lay in bed until 1PM for on occaision.

I should either keep planning or go to bed. 

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