Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Listening to an Audiobook of Stephen fry (which is not related to the body of this post)

Dear Diary,


December shifts are in, only 3 this month (to put it into context of how little that is, I have 3 this week). Everything changes, and so does income it seems. This prosperity of work has been appreciated, especially considering how tight next month is going to be. Rememer: November is funded by october's wages. December is funded by November, December funds January. I'm going to be very tight on January, but I have to be tight now to save more. Fuck.


At least I'll have more time for gym and applying to jobs. I'm really behind on Google Reader and my schedule due to work. I think its fair to say that I'm slower partly because of work. I've said that feeling down has hurt me a bit lately, but my mood is better now, at least slightly. This news of december shifts has come at a downer. I dont think I'll be having much time for leisurely pursuits for a while..

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