Sunday, December 18, 2022

18/12/22 ABC Please

 A: Accumulate positive experiences: I saw my family this week, I went to a Christmas do, those are positive pro social activities. I also didn't lose my shit. In the grand scheme of things that really is a low bar. I think the fact that it is 8:55 as I type this and I spent some time getting up slowly today and being carefully considered, is a sign that I'm working on improving things and myself and trying to have a mindset of positivity.#

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident, I have not only been losing weight compared to early in the year but I am working to stabilise the changes in my body. It does involve work but I've been putting it in. It's tough I won't like. It's my intention to continue putting the work in

C: Cope ahead: This my be my greatest weakness at the moment. I am working on my scheduling and my card/ticket system (aka lampe) but there's still a lot I really need to do better at in terms of planning. My mind is a literal blank when it comes to thinking about work for instance. My mind is a literal blank when thinking about the future

P: Physical illness prevention. I had a takeaway the other day and my bodyfat went right up even though my weight didn't go up. I could tell of a massive difference. I'm keeping fairly regular at the gym I think? One day I didn't go gym because of two workplace parties after work (I only managed to get to one) and the timing of getting home during a strike and the icy roads outside plus a change to the train's route meant I had to get off a couple miles away and walk some terribly difficult roads and it was 10:15 by the time I got back. I made up for it on the Friday I think .I even did so much activity on Saturday that it offset the amount I ate for family Christmas.#

L: Low vulnerability to diseases. I'm feeling v low at the moment I can't like. I need to sort that out.

E: Exercise regularly. Yeah I think this is covered

S: Sleep healthy: I'm up in the day and asleep mostly in the night. I think not working on the encyclopedia helps. I think not trying too hard to work on my google keep (there is a backlog right now) helps sleep. 

E: Eat healthy. I could have had more veggies yesterday. I need to check my weight in a moment but I think it's been fine. 

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