Sunday, April 4, 2021

Today is Easter Sunday

Dear Diary,

'Hey google, set a timer for 7 minutes'

I need to earmark some time to just write and express myself. I've been avoiding a lot of feelings, a lot of pain, a lot of personal things I'm not attending to and its affecting my work, its affecting my health, it's maybe affecting my relationships.

I have all the inventories that remind me to live a better life. Here's one: ABC PLEASE

A: Accumulate positive experiences: Mum and dad's easter lunch. That will be nice. Maybe could put a nice film on

B: Build mastery in activities: Maybe I'll go on the bike later

C: Cope ahead: I need to do some prep for the week and logging for last week

P: Physical illness prevention: lets prevent repetition, avoid overeating

L: Low vulnerability to disease - think about a gym plan and being gym fit, this isn't jsut about cycling. Maybe I need to think about physio days

E: Exercise regularly: Pass

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. my drug of choice these days are cheese puffs and belgian buns. I need to reduce it (I can't bear to say i need to quit)

S: Sleep heathy. I have trouble sleeping lately, but I decide lately to sleep in if I need to. I am getting a full night of sleep, just not in the hours of the day that are socially best

E: Eat healthy - done

I'm going to name 5 things right now that can improve my day and immediately improve my life.

  1. Clear up the pile of papers and magazines to my left
  2. Read all the magazines I have on pdf
  3. Clear up my 'non priority schema' tasks
  4. Plan next week and future events
  5. Do my logging
I can't think too hard about the future and the big picture of things. Lately I'm thinking about bringing Catholicism back into my life. I think the best thing is just the next foot forward. That's struggle enough.

Hey, my 7 minute timer didn't go off.


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