Tuesday, April 20, 2021

 Dear Diary,

I think I'll perhaps skip ABC Please tonight.

What I will do today is tell you about one aspect of my day. I've been thinking about changing up my routine. I'm doing weight watchers as T suggested I join her and she's really been positively impacted by it. It's fair to say, and i should be honest about this, that I've gained some weight. in the grand scheme of things, I've only gained 2kg since the beginning of lockdown. My base weight goes up and down all the time but its on the higher end of that 2kg. 

On the Weight Watchers app (they call it WW), there are a list of foods that are considered positive and don't adversely contribute to a bad diet. I've bought some things in the approved list: bagel thins, spinach, cream cheese, smoked salmon, red peppers and spinach. I also got a bit of pasta and I don't know how I'll all cook it together. I might need to lay off of the dry aged beef and fatty beef bones for a while. 

Now that gyms have re-opened I'm working on a new normal for my routine. I like the later sun sets which are conducive to more activity. After gym I go to waitrose and cycle home. I don't cycle as much as I did when cycling was my sole activity, however I am keeping more active with the weights. I'm really into sled pushing.

Since coming home, having a shower, making dinner and tidying up, I've read the paper, watched some podcasts and doing some logging. I even read a few magazines tonight. I think maybe this is the ideal template of a day. 

Anyway I've got to go back to that template. 


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