Monday, April 5, 2021

dear diary,

I think its abundantly clear that I'm struggling to function as a normal adult. I don't know how to express it. A lot of things seem very difficult and uninteresting to me. I am working through it right now. I'm so tired. If I weren't so tired I wonder what I'd do. 


One thing I've just done. I've been thinking about this transitional weather. I've also been thinking about cool and practical clothes. Right now, practical is very important to me now that I'm a bike guy. I need something that looks the part (not mamil) and also suits the physical activities and transitions I go through. By transitions I mean: mounting a bike, going to the shops, going for a walk, mounting the bike again, hitting the high speeds on my brompton (not as high as a road bike) and then maybe socialising or going to the gym.

I've been reading that the 'shirt jacket' (don't say shacket) is really cool, Loads of my colleagues have shirt jackets so it must be cool. Those bloody hipsters. Combined that, I also got a Barbour Shacket (I've been interested in barbour for ages). Also to show that the stars are aligned, I used my £50 voucher that I got from my employers, who gave that to all staff in place of a Christmas party. Well, £50 knocked off is welcome. It's still not cheap. But it's barbour. I think that jacket will cheer me up. 

I'm at a struggle today to keep motivated and get things done. 

Working at it slowly. I'm please at the shirt jacket. 

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