Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Yesterday (Monday) I did some egg swallowing. 

I sent my sister a text: is there anything I can get you, hubby or the kids for Christmas?

Her reply: thank you but nothing for me or husband, let me get back to you about the little ones...

I sent my brother a text: anything for you or the wife? 

Bro: Nothing for me, let me get back to you about the wife, she probably wants something.

I got my mum and dad a £500 vacuum cleaner this year.

I'm a really shitty son. I've done shitty things and even if they forgive me, I don't forgive myself. 

I'm also getting quite angry lately. I'm angry at myself and it manifests in other things.

When I got home yesterday (monday), I had a really nice bit of food from Sainsburys. I had a vegetarian cheese and cauliflower bake. Mum really liked it. I was very tired and immediately went to sleep. I woke up around midnight or 1am (about 3.5 hours ago) and had to do all the things I didn't when I fell asleep: personal hygiene foremost, then charging my earbuds. 

I have since been working on my schedule and I've done a bit of planning and catch up right now.

I feel like i'm in a good place with my routine. I do wish that I had a chance to go to M&S last night. I want to get a dinner jacket for the Christmas parties. 

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